Every time that you see the iconic Nike swoosh logo, a small voice in your head tells you to, “just do it,” which is the company’s slogan. Nike is just one of thousands of companies that use branding as a way to excite customers and make sales. If you own a retail website, you might try using direct response advertising or marketing instead. This forms a connection with customers and makes them want to take action right away. You can use this form of marketing in a few simple ways.

Offer an Email Newsletter

An email newsletter is a simple and effective way to get the attention of shoppers visiting your site. Most digital newsletters send registered users notifications before an upcoming sale and provide them with discount codes that they can use later. Create an alert that drops down on your homepage and gives customers the option of signing up for your newsletter to save in the future.

Link to Social Networking Sites

When you visit the website of a clothing store, a newspaper or even a sports team, you’ll often find a box that drops down and asks if you want to sign into one of the more popular social networking sites. This is a type of direct response marketing that works well in the modern world. Customers can link those accounts and share their favorite products or items from your site with others on Facebook, Instagram and other sites. This may help you reach new customers as well, including those who wouldn’t otherwise visit your site.

Create Individual Accounts

Giving your customers the chance to create their own individual accounts with your site is a great way to show them that you care. They can keep their payment information and shipping address stored in that account, which makes it easier for them to place orders in the future. Companies that offer Denver marketing services may recommend that you let customers save their favorite orders too. They can come back and place the same order or make a few changes to that order to buy products faster. Direct marketing helps you make life easier for all your customers and increase your sales.


(What Is Direct Response Marketing?, SuccessWise.com)

(Increase Inbound Leads with these 18 Direct Response Marketing Strategies from 3 of the Greatest Copywriters of All Time, JumpLead.com)