As many local businesses reopen their doors and welcome customers safely back in, owners are left wondering if they should be marketing. Looking back at the 2008 economic recession gives us some clues about how to survive, and even thrive during these times. There are two main factors it taught us:

  1. Businesses who continued to advertise recovered significantly faster once the economy rebounded than those who didn’t. This doesn’t mean they all spent high advertising budgets, but they were strategic in how they spent their money.
  2. Businesses who focused on current customer relationships were the most successful. Keeping customers happy is the trick to lower budget spends and long-term profitability. Build processes for client retention for both existing and new customers.

If customers need or want your services during this time, it is appropriate and important to continue marketing.

Market Differently

Businesses right now are marketing differently. Rather than pushing sales, they are sharing information about changes in the business, such as a reduction in operating hours, safety measures, or new processes, products, or services. It’s about educating consumers to know what to expect now that things have changed.

Consumers are doing more online research, so if you don’t already have an online platform for communicating with customers, build it.

Marketers are also sharing information that helps the community, such as financing options, community give-back and other outreach. Show customers how much you care.

Market Smarter

Because more business is being done remotely or with limited contact, online methods are key. However, many people are also becoming “blind” to digital ads. That isn’t the case with direct mail that comes right to their door.

In fact, with direct mail engagement rates up, combining mail and digital methods is the perfect blend of advertising that cuts through online noise to reach a targeted audience. Adding mail tracking, call tracking, and online advertising to direct mail allows you to see what’s working in real time for proven, predictable results.

Plumb Marketing’s Response Builder integrates direct mail with social media advertising and Google remarketing, showing you who visits your website as a result of your mail campaigns. This marketing intelligence equips you to market smarter and grow your response rates in an easy and efficient way.

If you are ready to take your direct mail campaign to a new level, Response Builder is like Mail 2.0. Call today to learn more about our 3- and 6- month direct mail programs with online intelligence designed for businesses who want to thrive!