Your business story has never been more important that now. Stay connected to your marketplace with a custom direct mail program that incorporates online advertising and custom targeting. With the push of digital marketing over the last decade, many consumers have become “blind” to banner ads and online advertisements. Their email boxes are full of junk and more and more filters are being put in place to stop consumers from seeing or receiving digital advertising.

On the other hand, consumers go to their mailboxes (now more than ever because of COVID) and studies show they are making purchasing decisions after receiving direct mail interactions. American business owners are still spending the bulk of their advertising dollars on direct mail, and that’s because it has the highest median rate of return than paid searches and online ads.

Direct mail has been shown to be trustworthy by consumers, influence quick buying decisions, cut through online advertising ‘noise’ and reach customer’s hands, literally. When this is married with online technology’s ability to target specific customers or prospects, allow for mail and call tracking, and integrate social and Google ads and retargeting, you have a winning formula.

Maximizing Your Direct Mail Campaign

Maximizing your direct mail campaign starts with aligning your business with trusted, knowledgeable direct mail professionals with a proven track record. This team can help you with determining the best size, reach, layout, content and more.

Best practices for successful mail campaigns should be followed including using clean, clear copy, effective images and graphics, and readable fonts. Standing out in the crowd can be accomplished with colors, sizes, textures and even weight. Your professional direct mail team can help you determine the best options to meet your goals.

Using technology, such as QR codes, specific landing pages for consumers to interact with, and call tracking, can all help to build rapport and interaction with prospects. Response Builder, a system Plumb Marketing uses to track mail delivery, track calls, and retarget prospects who interact with your direct mail pieces, is another way to use technology to maximize your campaign.

Offering 3- and 6-month advertising programs, Plumb can show business owners how the process works and how the data gathered can create predictable results time and again. Tracking is automatic and easy and can be expanded as needs grow. Focus on your business rather than worrying about how to attract more customers.

To learn more about Plumb Marketing’s direct mail programs featuring Response Builder, contact us today.